What is Chiropractic?

The term chiropractic comes from the Greek words "cheir" which means 'hand' and "praxis" which means 'practice' or 'done by', and refers to the practice of manipulating the spine to treat disease. Chiropractors base their theories of disease on the connections between various body structures and the nervous system via the spinal column, and on the role of the spine in biomechanics and movement. Therapy is directed at the spine in order to modify the progression of disease.

How can my pet benefit from chiropractic?

Chiropractic is one of the few modalities in veterinary medicine where results are often immediate, and are often seen within minutes of treatment. In general, improvements are defined as an improved gait and an apparent reduction in pain. Dogs used for athletic performance or other working purposes are ideal candidates for chiropractic treatment. By regularly assessing and maintaining maximum flexibility in these animals, injuries may be avoided. Chirop

What to Expect

Typical adjustments take about 15 minutes to perform. We recommend you bring some yummy snacks with your dog to feed them during the adjustment. Many dogs love a frozen stuffed Kong, lick mat, or snuffle mat during the adjustment!

These are all normal responses after an adjustment:

  • Drowniness/wanting to take a nap. Allow them to sleep because this is when the body heals itself. Strenuous activities should be avoided for 24 hours.

  • Feeling “spunky”/more active: some animals feel much better after their adjustments and owners need to be careful that these animals do not make themselves sore by overdoing it.

  • Feeling sore: this can last anywhere from 24-48 hours and can be seen more commonly in older animals. If your dog is still significantly sore after 48 hours please contact us.

What Conditions Can It Treat?

  • Conditions with a neurologic or biomechanical origin are amenable to chiropractic manipulation.

    These conditions include:

  • Lameness

  • Degenerative joint diseases

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Spondylosis

  • Intervertebral disc disease

  • Autonomic nervous system problems such as urinary and fecal incontinence

  • Chronic musculoskeletal problems (such as back or neck pain)

  • Acute problems such as tension or stiffness

  • Maintain soundness in older animals

  • Enhance performance ability and prevent injury of sport animals

  • And more!


Meet the Doctor


Dr. Ben Shryock DVM

Dr. Shryock grew up in Reno, Nevada before moving to Washington to attend The Evergreen State College. He worked in Biotech for several years before earning his Master’s Degree in Bird Population Ecology from the University of Washington. He moved to Massachusetts in 2012 to attend veterinary school at Tufts University. When not practicing medicine, find Dr. Shryock spending time with his family and dogs and training or competing in Flyball, UpDog, agility, dock diving, and whippet racing. He is a trained animal chiropractor through A.C.E.S.. He owns and operates In Balance Veterinary Services.


Schedule and Pricing

We are so lucky to have Dr. Ben joining us for canine chiropractic adjustments! Please contact us for when he will be back next!

The cost is $50/for the first dog and $30 for each additional dog.

Interested in booking a chiropractic appointment for your dog?

Please fill out and submit this form and someone will contact you in 24 hours.